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How to Start a Blog and Make Money in 6 Easy Steps 2021  Blog Kaise Banaye

Blog Kaise Banaye

Blog Kaise Banaye – Ever thought about launching your own blog? Ever wondered what it takes, not only to start up that blog but also to successfully build it over time to make money online or generate a passive income? Clearly, you’re not alone. Millions of people try their hand at blogging, but so few actually ever generate a substantial income from their efforts. Blog Kaise Banaye

However, if you’re starting a blog for the purposes of making money, and you’re not actually passionate about writing in the first place, then you’re largely wasting your time. The art of blogging isn’t simply scientific or formulaic. Without a deep-seated passion for your craft, you’ll face a tide of frustration and upset.

But if you’re willing to put in the time and the effort, and you can stay persistent over the years (and yes, I said years), then you can most certainly generate a substantial income online. In fact, your blog is quite possibly one of the best hubs of passive income generation, and if done the right way, it can attract the right clients and customers no matter what industry or niche you might be in.

Blog Kaise Banaye

How to Start a Blog  | Blog Kaise Banaye : Step-by-Step

Okay, if I haven’t dissuaded you just yet, and you’re serious about launching the next Mashable or TechCrunch or whatever other blog you might think is wildly successful in your eyes, then here’s what you need to do in a step-by-step fashion. The more you prepare and plan, the more likely you’ll be to succeed in the long term.

  1. Pick a Topic

Get clear on what you’ll write about. Define a topic or niche, and design all your content around those things. This will help you to not only laser-focus your writing but also to build digital products and services that complement your content.

This allows you to attract customers in, enticing them with your highly informative posts, then tempting them with a lead magnet before dropping them into your sales funnel (more on that shortly).


  1. Select a Platform

While WordPress is the most popular platform for blogging by far, there are others out there that can be leveraged such as a micro-blogging platform like Tumblr, and even Medium. However, if you’re serious about your blogging efforts, you’ll likely want to go with a self-hosted WordPress installation on a custom domain.

While you could set up a blog at with a subdomain such as, you’ll get more traction with a self-hosted solution, and then be able to use subdomains on popular platforms for your content-marketing efforts.


Step 3. Get Web Hosting with Bluehost

Now it’s time to get your blog live.

It may seem complicated at first, but don’t worry. It’s much easier than it sounds.

To get started, you need web hosting (where your blog lives) and a domain name (your blog’s address). The good news is that Bluehost, my favourite web hosting company, offers both as a package deal.

Plus, it’s incredibly affordable. You also get an awesome discount as a reader. And your domain name is free for the first year.

To recap, domain privacy + protection is the only package extra you need. 

It exists to keep your private information safe and secure. Without it, anyone can access your phone number, home address, and email.

Bluehost uses this example to show how the domain privacy + protection keeps personal information from becoming public:

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Step 4: Start publishing great content

So, you have a website up and running, that’s great!

Now it’s time to get to one of the most difficult and challenging tasks of blogging, which is no other than creating the actual content for your blog.


Have this in mind

A blog with no content is nothing, a blog with mediocre content is just another blog in the millions of already published blogs, a blog with great content is a money-making business.

Having said that, it is important to understand from the beginning the importance of content for your blog’s success.

Great (good, superb, or fantastic – you choose) content, will get you traffic (we will see below how), credibility, and make you money (in different ways).


So, what is great content?

Great blog content is not necessarily text, it can be images, videos, infographics, or even audio. BUT, for the purpose of achieving high rankings on Google (and other search engines), your content should be primarily text.

As I mentioned above, at the beginning keep it simple. Later on, for the best results, you can combine text with other forms to make your content more interesting.

Great content has the following characteristics:

  • It’s unique for your website (it’s not an exact copy of an already published post)
  • It’s free of spelling and grammar mistakes
  • It’s meaningful
  • It’s insightful
  • It’s unbiased
  • It’s something that helps people do/understand/learn something
  • It’s easy to read

Don’t worry if the above list doesn’t make a lot of sense for now, as you become more experienced, you will understand it better.

Let’s see how you can practically create good content for your website.

Choose a topic that you enjoy reading/researching/writing

When you start writing content for your blog, you should be in a position to provide content that meets the criteria of good content (as explained above).

If you are not passionate about the topic, this process will be very difficult and you will give up before you even begin.

A money-making blog needs a lot of content and you need to come up with a lot of ideas and topics to cover on a weekly basis (if not daily), so have this in mind when choosing your niche.

Choose a topic with a decent audience

It’s not enough to be passionate about a topic, others should be too.

Remember that in order to make money from your blog, you will need people to buy your products or advertisers to pay money for your ad space.

If your selected topic does not have a decent audience, none of the above will happen.

The easiest way to do a preliminary search as to the potential of your niche is to open Google and search for phrases (keywords), that come in mind.

Look for the number of results and types of websites that appear in the first pages of Google.

Don’t go too broad, make it specific

While you do need a decent audience for your chosen topic, don’t go too broad because chances are that there are already thousands of websites about the same subject.

Popular topics have a bigger audience but they are also very competitive. If you are starting out now as a solo blogger, it would be easier to compete with other bloggers rather than online businesses that have teams of writers and SEOs behind them.

Let me give you an example to make this easier to understand.

Let’s say that you’re passionate about ‘fitness’ and ‘healthy living. If you do a search on Google for ‘weight loss or ‘dieting’, you will get thousands of results, many of them from online magazines or websites that have been established for years, loaded with thousands of content pages.

It’s impossible for a new website to compete with these and get Google traffic for such broad terms.

What you can do instead is to narrow down your topic and go after a specific niche that it’s still related to your passion but with less competition. An example would be “healthy living advice for kids”.

It’s a topic with a lot of interest, mainly from parents who want to learn how to provide a healthy lifestyle for their kids, and they also hold the money to buy a product (maybe an ebook) to help them do so.

This process of finding out what to write in your blog is called keyword research.

It’s a process that you need to master from the very beginning and I strongly suggest you take some time and read the following articles:


Step 5: Build organic traffic to your blog

Let’s recap the process so far.

Your first step is to register your own domain and set up your blog.

Your second step is to decide the topics to cover in your blog and master the keyword research process.

The next step is to start building organic traffic to your blog, and this is what I will discuss in this section.

What is organic traffic?


How to get organic traffic to your blog?

Targeted organic traffic is the most valuable source of traffic for your blog because it’s traffic that converts.

By ‘convert’, we mean a number of things:

Users are more likely to stay longer on your page, reading your post

Are more likely to subscribe to your newsletter

Are more likely to enquire about your services

Are more likely to buy your products

We will cover each of these in more detail in the last section of the post, but for now, let’s see how you can get more search engine traffic for your blog.


You need great content

Although I have covered this in step 2 above, I’m mentioning this again because it is extremely important. If your content is not up to Google standards, then whatever you will read below, will not work.

You need to get your technical SEO correct

Technical SEO has to do with your blog set-up and how well it is optimized for search engines.

Your blogging platform (especially if it’s WordPress), is by default SEO friendly, but still, there are a number of things to check and change to make it even better.

Things like:

  • Blog structure
  • URL Structure
  • XML Sitemap optimization
  • Use of Schema Markups
  • Canonical URLs
  • Optimizing your category and tag pages
  • Website Speed
  • Mobile Friendliness and Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Webmaster tools SEO

Are all very important in the process.

  • You need to get your technical SEO correct
  • You need to get your On-Page SEO correct
  • You need to work on your Off-Page SEO

Step 7: Make money through affiliate marketing

Last but not least, another way to make money from your blog is by selling other people’s products (digital or physical) for a commission.

This is generally known as affiliate marketing. Here is an overview of the process.

  • You find which products you want to promote
  • You enrol in their affiliate marketing program and you get a unique link and banners to use
  • You add the links/banners in your blog
  • When someone clicks on the links, they are redirected to the website of the provider
  • When they make a purchase, you get the agreed commission
  • It sounds good, right?

Well, is not as easy as it sounds. You still need to find the right products to promote and you still need to test if your readers and community are willing to pay money to buy the products you will suggest.

Some things to know before getting into affiliate marketing:

  • Don’t promote products or services you don’t’ personally use. You don’t want to lose your user’s trust. Only promote products that you know from personal experience that will help your readers.
  • Google does not like websites or web pages that their sole purpose is to make money from affiliate links. Your website should provide real value to the user, without being too promotional.
  • Don’t overdo it. It’s ok to suggest products in your blog’s content but not all the time. Good affiliate marketers don’t promote products all the time. They first provide value to their readers and then suggest products.
  • If you are on WordPress, read this guide on how to handle your affiliate links (the white hat way).
  • If you want to find out more about affiliate marketing, read Pat Flynn’s blog, he is one of the most successful affiliate marketers on the Internet today.


Blogging for money is not a theoretical concept. Thousands of bloggers are making money through their blogs either by selling ad space, their own products/services, or through affiliate marketing.

All these successful bloggers have some things in common:

  • They are having blogs with great content.
  • They have managed to build communities around their blogs.
  • They use more than one way to make money. They have their own products but they also make money from affiliate marketing and selling ad space.
  • They have been blogging for years and it took them a number of years to get to the point of making a living from their blogs.

If you have made it to this point, I will let you go with this:

Everyone can learn how to make money blogging. The amount of money you will make depends on the amount of work you are willing to allocate to make it happen

  • Use affiliate marketing on your blog.
  • Add banner adverts to your website.
  • Write advertorials and sponsored content.
  • Charge for sponsored social media posts.
  • Write guest blog posts for media outlets.
  • Work with an agency to build your blog
  • Sell digital products on your blog.
  • Sell your blog’s newsletter space

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