How To Display Recent Posts In Blogger | Recent Posts

How To Display Recent Posts In Blogger | Show Recent Post In Blogger

In this post, how to Show And display recent posts in Blogger with various codes and options. Here is everything recent post widget for Blogger.

This website is dedicated to WordPress, but it can’t stop me from helping Blogger users. I’ll post Blogger tutorials and tricks regularly, but it’ll be just some basic stuff, not some high coding.

In this post, I’ll show you how to display recent posts in Blogger with various codes and options. You’ll find everything recent post tricks for Blogger in this tutorial.


Recent Posts With Official Blogger Widget

First & the easiest way to display recent posts in a widget easy is by using Blogger’s original feed widget to display recent posts from the blog’s feed.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > Feed Widget. Enter the feed URL of your blog and click on Continue.


Now, just configure the display settings of the posts. You can set the number of posts, widget title and more settings.


Recent Posts Widget With Code

The above widget only works on the widgetized areas of your Blogger. However, here’s how you can add this widget to any part of your blog with some JavaScript.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. Search and paste this code just above </head>:


In above code, you can change following parts of the code:

  • Number of Posts – numposts = 10;
  • Show Post Date(True or False) – showpostdate = false;
  • Show Post Summary(True or False) – showpostsummary = true;
  • Show Standard Styling(True or False) – standardstyling = true;


Now, navigate to Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > HTML/JavaScript. Add the following code and save the widget:

<div class=”recent-posts”>



You can now add the above code anywhere within your Blogger blog template.


Recent Posts With Scrollbar

This is the one widget that I use in my Blogger blog. It’s just like the above widget, but with some CSS in action!

Navigate to your Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. Search and paste this code just above </head>:

In above code, you can change following parts of the code:


  • Number of Posts – numposts = 10;
  • Show Post Date(True or False) – showpostdate = false;
  • Show Post Summary(True or False) – showpostsummary = true;
  • Show Standard Styling(True or False) – standardstyling = true;


Now, search and add the following code just above the ]]></b: skin> tag of your template:

Now, navigate to Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > HTML/JavaScript. Add the following code and save the widget:


Recent Posts With Official Blogger Widget

First & the easiest way to display recent posts in a widget easy is by using Blogger’s original feed widget to display recent posts from the blog’s feed.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > Feed Widget. Enter the feed URL of your blog and click on Continue.

Now, just configure the display settings of the posts. You can set the number of posts, widget title and more settings.


Recent Posts Widget With Code

The above widget only works on the widgetized areas of your Blogger. However, here’s how you can add this widget to any part of your blog with some JavaScript.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. Search and paste this code just above </head>:

ox; color: #272626; font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: 0.9em; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding: 30px; white-space: pre-wrap;”>

You can also post the above code anywhere within your blog template.


Recent Posts With Thumbnail

That’s the final type of recent posts widget that we’re going to share in this post. It displays the thumbnails of your recent posts on the right side of the widget.

Navigate to your Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML. Search and paste this code just above </head>:’;

In above code, you can change following parts of the code:


  • Number of Posts – numposts = 10;
  • Show Post Thumbnails(True or False) – showpostthumbnails = true;
  • Show Display More Option(True or False) – displaymore = false;
  • Show Display Separator(True or False) – displayseparator = true;
  • Show Show Comment Number(True or False) – showcommentnum = true;
  • Show Post Date(True or False) – showpostdate = false;
  • Show Post Summary(True or False) – showpostsummary = true;

Number of Characters in Summary – numchars = 100;

Now, search and add the following code just above the ]]></b: skin> tag of your template:

Now, navigate to Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > HTML/JavaScript. Add the following code and save the widget:

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