Difference between Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 5

What is Bootstrap? 

It is an open-source framework from late 2011 that is used for designing responsive websites with a mobile-first approach faster and easier. Bootstrap is available for HTML, CSS, and JS. According to server-side languages like PHP, Node, etc bootstrap helps to design the frontend.

The team behind the most popular CSS framework Bootstrap has released a new version. As of writing this article, the stable release of Bootstrap 5 is out (versions) and available for use. Let us see what are these newly introduced features in Bootstrap 5 and what are the differences between Bootstrap 4 vs Bootstrap 5.

New Logo for Bootstrap in Version 5

While there are many under the hood changes such as a new logo for Bootstrap, move to Hugo from Jekyll, we will touch upon those aspects first that affect web development projects most.

Why Bootstrap? 

  • Faster and Easier
  • Mobile First style
  • It is free! Available on www.getbootstrap.com
  • Browser support
  • Responsive Design

Bootstrap 5 alpha launched in mid-June of 2020. As it is in the alpha-1 version, in the future some more features can be added to bootstrap 5

In the alpha-1 version of bootstrap 5 some classes removed are:

  • form – row
  • form – inline
  • list – inline
  • card – deck


Some of the added classes: 

  • gx-* (classes control the horizontal/column gutter width)
  • gy-* (classes control the vertical/row gutter width)
  • g-* (classes control the horizontal & vertical gutter width)
  • rows-cols-auto

Difference between Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5 



Grid System It has 5 tier (xs, sm, md, lg, xl). It has 6 tier (xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl).

Color It has limited colours. Extra colours were added with the looks, A card improved the colour palette.

Jquery It has jquery and all related plugins. Jquery is removed and switched to vanilla JS with some working plugins

Internet Explorer Bootstrap 4 supports both IE 10 and 11. Bootstrap 5 doesn’t support IE 10 and 11.

Form elements Radio buttons, checkboxes have different looks in different OS and browsers. The look of form elements will not change, on different OS or browsers.

Utility API We cannot modify utilities in bootstrap 4 Bootstrap 5 gave us the freedom to modify and also create our own utility

Gutter We use .glutter with font size in px We use .g* with fontsize in rem

Vertical Classes Columns can be positioned relative Columns cannot be positioned, relative

Bootstrap Icons Bootstrap 4 doesn’t have its own SVG icons we have to font-awesome Bootstrap 5 have its own SVG icons

Jumbotron It supports. It doesn’t support jumbotron.

Card deck The card deck is used to create an asset of cards with equal width and height. Card deck class is removed in bootstrap

Navbar We have an inline-block property and we will get white dropdown as default for the dropdown-menu-dark class. Inline-block property is removed and we will get black dropdown as default for dropdown-menu-dark class.

Static Site Generator Bootstrap 4 uses Jekyll software. Bootstrap 5 uses Hugo software.

Check out the Official Migration Docs for More Info.

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