How to check Password strength in jQuery with Demo

How to check Password strength in jQuery with Demo

  1. How to check Password strength in jQuery with Demo
  2. Form validation using jQuery

Form validation is a process of confirming the relevant information entered by the user in the input field. Here we will be validating a simple form that consists of a username, password and a confirm password using jQuery.

We’re going to use the jQuery Validation Plugin to validate our form. The basic principle of this plugin is to specify validation rules and error messages for HTML elements in JavaScript.

Prerequisites: You must be aware of the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.



First of all, you need to create an index.html file that consists of Bootstrap 4 form with username, email, password, and confirm password as input fields. At the bottom of the “body” tag, include the “app.js” file having jQuery code for form validation.

Create an app.js file that validates the whole form as given below in the code.

In the app.js file, when the document is ready, hide all the error messages. Perform the validation task for all the input fields such as username, email, password, and confirm password.

index.html: The following HTML code demonstrates the form design for user input.



    <!– Latest compiled and minified CSS –>

    < link rel=”stylesheet” hr ef=”maxcdn. bootstrapcdn.  com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap .min.css”>

    <!– jQuery library –>

   src=”ajax. googleapis. com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js”

    <!– Popper JS –>



    <h1 class=”text-center text-success”>

        Welcome to vkprogramming


    <p class=”text-center”>



    <div class=”container”>

      <div class=”col-lg-8 

           m-auto d-block”>


          <div class=”form-group”>

              <label for =”user”>



              <input type=”text”

                    name=”username” id=”usernames”


              <h5 id=”usercheck” style=”color: red;” >

                    **Username is missing



          <div class=”form-group”>

              <label for=”user”>



              <input type=”email” name=”email”   id=”email” required    class=”form-control”>

              <small id=”emailvalid” class=”form-text

                text-muted invalid-feedback”>

                    Your email must be a valid email



           <div class=”form-group”>

              <label for=”password”> 



              <input type=”password” name=”pass”

                id=”password” class=”form-control”>

              <h5 id=”passcheck” style=”color: red;”>

                **Please Fill the password




          <div class=”form-group”>

              <label for=”conpassword”> 

                    Confirm Password: 


              <input type=”password” name=”username”

                    id=”conpassword” class=”form-control”>

              <h5 id=”conpasscheck” style=”color: red;”>

                  **Password didn’t match



          <input type=”submit” id=”submitbtn”

             value=”Submit” class=”btn btn-primary”>   








app.js: The following jQuery code for validation is used in the above HTML file.


// Document is ready

$(document).ready(function () { 

    // Validate Username


    let usernameError = true;

    $(‘#usernames’).keyup(function () {



         function validateUsername() {

      let usernameValue = $(‘#usernames’).val();

      if (usernameValue.length == ”) {


          usernameError = false;

          return false;


      else if((usernameValue.length < 3)|| 

              (usernameValue.length > 10)) {



(“**length of username must be between 3 and 10”);

          usernameError = false;

          return false;

      }   else {

          $(‘#usercheck’).hide();      }    }

    // Validate Email

    const email = 


    email.addEventListener(‘blur’, ()=>{

       let regex =


       let s = email.value;




          emailError = true;

        }  else{



            emailError = false;

        }    })

        // Validate Password


    let passwordError = true;

    $(‘#password’).keyup(function () {



    function validatePassword() {

        let passwrdValue = 


        if (passwrdValue.length == ”) {


            passwordError = false;

            return false;


        if ((passwrdValue.length < 3)|| 

            (passwrdValue.length > 10)) {



(“**length of your password must be between 3 and 10”);

            $(‘#passcheck’).css(“color”, “red”);

            passwordError = false;

            return false;

        } else {





// Validate Confirm Password


    let confirmPasswordError = true;

    $(‘#conpassword’).keyup(function () {



    function validateConfirmPasswrd() {

        let confirmPasswordValue = 


        let passwrdValue = 


        if (passwrdValue != confirmPasswordValue) {



                “**Password didn’t Match”);


                “color”, “red”);

            confirmPasswordError = false;

            return false;

        } else {


        }    }

     // Submitt button

    $(‘#submitbtn’).click(function () {





        if ((usernameError == true) && 

            (passwordError == true) && 

            (confirmPasswordError == true) && 

            (emailError == true)) {

            return true;

        } else {

            return false;

        }    }); });


Output: Below is the output generated when the user directly hits the submit button.

HTML is the foundation of web pages, is used for webpage development by structuring websites and web apps. You can learn HTML from the ground up by following this HTML Tutorial and HTML Examples.

CSS is the foundation of web pages, is used for webpage development by styling websites and web apps. You can learn CSS from the ground up by following this CSS Tutorial and CSS Examples.

jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the interactions between an HTML/CSS document, It is widely famous for its philosophy of “Write less, do more”.

You can learn jQuery from the ground up by following this jQuery Tutorial and jQuery Examples.

Attention reader! Don’t stop learning now. Get hold of all the important HTML concepts with the Web Design for Beginners | HTML  course.

How to check Password strength in jQuery with Demo


Style code

#frmCheckPassword {

border-top: #F0F0F0 2px solid;

background: #808080;

padding: 10px;


.demoInputBox {

padding: 7px;

border: #F0F0F0 1px solid;

border-radius: 4px;


#password-strength-status {

padding: 5px 10px;

color: #FFFFFF;

border-radius: 4px;

margin-top: 5px;


.medium-password {

background-color: #b7d60a;

border: #BBB418 1px solid;


.weak-password {

background-color: #ce1d14;

border: #AA4502 1px solid;


.strong-password {

background-color: #12CC1A;

border: #0FA015 1px solid;



<div name=”frmCheckPassword” id=”frmCheckPassword”>


<input type=”password” name=”password” id=”password” class=”demoInputBox” onKeyUp=”checkPasswordStrength();” />

<div id=”password-strength-status”></div>


<sc ript src=”ajax.googleapis.c om/ajax/libs/j query/3.2.1/jquery .min . js “></scri pt>


Script code

function checkPasswordStrength() {

var number = /([0-9])/;

var alphabets = /([a-zA-Z])/;

var special_characters = /([~,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,-,_,+,=,?,>,<])/;

if ($(‘#password’).val().length < 6) {



$(‘#password-strength-status’).html(“Weak (should be atleast 6 characters.)”);

} else {

if ($(‘#password’).val().match(number) && $(‘#password’).val().match(alphabets) && $(‘#password’).val().match(special_characters)) {




} else {



$(‘#password-strength-status’).html(“Medium (should include alphabets, numbers and special characters.)”);

} } }



We’re going to use the jQuery Validation Plugin to validate our form. The basic principle of this plugin is to specify validation rules and error messages for HTML elements in JavaScript.


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